Arduino: TaskScheduler, no more millis or delay

In this post I am going to talk about TaskScheduler. TaskScheduler are, as the name implies, an object that will allow us to create periodic tasks without having to use millis or conditionals. How do they work? TaskSchedulers are objects to which you can add tasks and they are in charge of executing them from … Read more

Hardware and Software Interruptions in Arduino

One very useful thing I would like to talk about is Interruptions in Arduino. An interruption is a signal of either Hardware or Software that causes our Arduino to exit the main program and execute an indicated function. Before starting with this, there are a number of important considerations to keep in mind: As I … Read more

Pull-up and pull-down resistors on Arduino

Hello, today I bring you a basic tutorial about the pull-up and pull-down resistors, and the INPUT_PULLUP input mode of the Arduino pins. This type of resistance will help your Arduino not be affected by electrical noise and receive errors in your measurements such as false pulsations on a button. What is HIGH, LOW or … Read more

Read and write data from EEPROM with Arduino

One of the things that we all ignore many times (I confess that I have ignored it until now), is the EEPROM memory of our Arduino. This memory is not very large, but it has the advantage that it survives the shutdowns of our microcontroller. That is why in this article I will teach you … Read more